

It all started with a youth home cell group, which grew from a small congregation in Berlin, with young people who were yearning for more from God. Some of us have known each other since childhood and others came much later. After the church disbanded in 2009, our group continued to meet regularly once a week. We thought that this would only be a temporary solution, because all of us where looking for a new church. It developed quite differently than we thought: The group grew, and the longing and desire for God became stronger. The temporary solution wasn’t temporary anymore. Some of us felt that Berlin was in need of a 24/7 House of worship and prayer.

We came together to ask God what He has in store for us as a community. In November 2009 we met for a weekend. We wanted to learn more about God and His plans. Our goal was “Hearing the voice of God” and we heard his voice! For the first time, we considered about starting a house of prayer.Step by step, a vision grew in our hearts, to have a place in Berlin, where God can be worshiped around the clock.

In early 2010 we started regular meetings on Sunday, to have fellowship with God and one another, and to talk about him.

We are overwhelmed to see how God has guided us and given us unity. We’re so excited about him, and long to experience him more. He shall be glorified in Berlin!