The unity of believers is one of our main matters of concern as a prayer house. We pray regularly for unity and seek good relationships to and valuable exchange with other Christian communities and initiatives.
We are thrilled that the following leaders and pioneers of Germany, mainly from Berlin, are available to us as a reference group. We appreciate their ministries, works and involvement very much and are glad to be able to name them as supporters of our vision.
- Andrea Meyerhoff – GfB
- Pater Adrian Kunert – CE, kath.
- Pfarrer Axel Nehlsen
- David und Greetje Sanders
- Debbi Wright – BURN
- Eckhard Neumann – Missionswerk Josua
- Pastor Erhart Zeiser – ChristusKirche, BFP, GfB
- Gerhard Schönborn – Neustart e.V., Netzwerk gegen Menschenhandel
- Dr. Johannes Hartl – Gebetshaus Augsburg
- Maria und Thommy Vandreike – Gebetskeller Kreuzberg
- Marion und Keith Warrington
- Pastor Peter Kressin – Treffpunkt-Gemeinde, BFP
- Rosemarie Stresemann – Wächterruf, Forum Gebet
- Pfarrer Swen Schönheit – GGE, APG
- Pastor Timo Heimlich – FEG Pankow
- Tobias Schöll – CT, Berlin United
- Wiebke Drewes – TOS Berlin